Salman Khan recently set off to Russia with Katrina Kaif for the international schedule of ‘Tiger 3.’ The makers are keen to film at a brisk pace to make sure the film meets the target of its respective release date. Yesterday, pictures of Khan were circulating online showing him unrecognisable in brown hair and beard. And while the espionage thriller is one of the highly-anticipated films in recent times, Khan might have to break a big family tradition this year as there is a strong chance of him missing the celebration of Ganesha festival at his residence.
The star celebrates the popular festival every year at his residence where he and his family worship Lord Ganesha for one-and-a-half day. But since he is shooting in Russia with the cast and crew of the film in their bubble, it will be difficult for Khan to travel and come back to India. And with the Covid-19 rules in place, he would have to self isolate a week, which would no doubt impact the schedule of ‘Tiger 3,’ reports Bollywood Life.
A source close to the star said, “Since Salman is in a bio bubble and there has already been delay in shooting the film’s crucial portion, he may give it a miss.”
Directed by Maneesh Sharma, ‘Tiger 3’ also features Emraan Hashmi and is due to release next year.
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